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2007年12月17日的东京 - 川崎重工业,有限公司今天宣布,利用带有Gigacell®的土地储存电池系统,它已成功完成对再生制动的能量的再利用验证测试,其专有镍金属 - 氢化物电池。

The Gigacell-driven system was tested at substations of the Osaka subway, with the cooperation of the Osaka Municipal Transportation Bureau and Kotsu Service Co., Ltd., Kawasaki verified that energy generated by a train’s braking could be stored and reused to compensate for the voltage fall-offs that occur during startup, operation and congested rush hours. This advance is expected to contribute to energy savings and a reduction in the environmental burden of train lines, as it will prevent a syndrome called “regeneration cancellation.” It will thus allow the entire railway system to operate on less energy, reducing the contracted electricity volumes with power companies and lowering the costs associated with opening new substations.

